Monday, May 21, 2007

Trying to be Gracious About My YA Moniker

Wow! In the six months since I last blogged two of my kids got driver’s licenses, one lost his driver’s license, one graduated from high school, one got her first job, one lost his job, one changed jobs, four enrolled in college, and one moved out. And I’ve been labeled YA. Duh. Or, it should have been a “duh” to me.

I can’t say YA is exactly good news since a major CBA publisher and two excellent agents turned me down because of it. While their compliments on the writing were gratifying, I believe God means for me to be published. May it be before cell phones and Facebook go the way of pink hair curlers in church (you have to have grown up Catholic for that one)! There are readers out there with messy lives who will be grabbed by God’s passion for them through my stories.

So I continue to query. And write--though obviously not on my blog. I’m sprinting through Book Three, Kicking Eternity, thanks to the Snowflake Method of plotting. Thank you, Randy Ingermanson! I bend at the waist, panting hard, with my hands on my knees--winded, not from the writing, but from trying to trust God.


Blogger Jennifer Taylor said...

Hang in there. That's what I'm doing as I revise one of seven manuscripts. Publishing is a hard field, much harder than I realized when I first started. We'll make it!

7:14 PM  
Blogger Patti Lacy said...

There with ya, girl! Would love to become bloggites if the spirit so moves ya!


10:14 AM  

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